Pre Event Solutions

The Expo Insider data intelligence solution is built to increase qualified prospects at the show, expand and extend networking opportunities, and ensure exhibitors achieve high productivity and ROI. Extensive visitor information is brought together to quantify individual and overall exhibitor performance and drive traffic to your booth. Our Event Specialists and your exhibitor team have the same desire – An exhibit hall filled with qualified prospects eager to network and purchase.


During Event Solutions

The number of attendees grow as the show date approaches. Our Updated Event Data Intelligence Solutions help exhibitor teams get in touch with the latest registrants to find your next big customer you might have missed onsite.

The most important step during events is to get relevant information. We at The Expo Insider help you find the right audience to display transformative business solutions.

Potential visitors do check their email whenever they find time during the event. This would be the right time to email them and ensure they don’t miss out on meeting you at your booth. We can execute promotional campaigns to enable networking opportunities at the event.


Post Event Solutions

Post event campaigns are essential as much as Pre-Event Activities and During-Event Activities. We at The Expo Insider are specialized in supplying contact name, email, phone, mailing, industry and more to your attendee database.

Bring your most qualified audience back for an easy finish to their partial visit. An email sent the following day to prospects who started but did not complete the visit at your booth. Let your loyal attendees know how important they are with products and promotions designed to make their event experience personalized and streamlined. Promotions, targeted messaging and simple courtesies like prefilled forms all add up to long-term customer loyalty. Strengthen your connections and create year-round engagement.


Segment Your Event Audience

The Expo Insider gives you access to target right audience by segmentation

Are you planning to only to contact those attendees who are relevant to what you have to offer? Exclude competitors, other vendors, and all those who are not very likely to be your potential client. They would not be very happy to get emails from you either.

We help you reach your target demographic. This, not only increases marketing effectiveness but also finds the right audience to build strategic opportunities at your booth. Maximize customer reach with our personalized database marketing strategies.
