Potential Client Database

Our Potential Client databases can help marketers with: Execution of targeted data-driven campaigns in order to boost business profits and revenue Access to personal and professional data on the audiences you identify Worldwide decision makers data from any size of business at any or all industries Widening market reach and broadening brand awareness via multichannel campaigns And more.

As a marketer, identifying audiences and getting relevant data about them is challenging because it involves a whole lot of moving parts. Our Potential Client databases is the most preferred and accurate way to generate business leads since we cover North America, APAC, Middle East and other countries, across the Globe.As a marketer, identifying audiences and getting relevant data about them is challenging because it involves a whole lot of moving parts. Our Potential Client databases is the most preferred and accurate way to generate business leads since we cover North America, APAC, Middle East and other countries, across the Globe.


Data Enrichment

Our Data Enrichment solutions enables you in knowing more about your Attendees, Customers and Prospects so you can market to them more effectively or target and identify new prospects who look just like your customers. The Expo Insider can append vital details that are missing in your database such as contact name, title, email, phone number, mailing address, type of business, number of employees, and annual sales volume.


Data Hygiene

NCOA Update:
Identify address changes for businesses in your database with our National Change of Address Update Service. We will match your mailing lists against the United States post office (USPS) NCOA file, which contains 48 months of permanent address changes.

ECOA Update:
Reactivate your existing old clients and stay connected with them. Businesses lose up to 42% of their customer email database each year due to email bounces, change of email addresses or updated service providers.


Customer Modeling


A major portion of your revenue has come from a few of your clients. If we figure out which industry those few clients are from, what job titles they hold, their annual revenue, employee size, spending behavior, etc., we can analyze and build similar companies and contacts so you uncover the rest of your revenue generating market.

We use Previous Behavior data and algorithms in order to put together ideal new prospects so you can uncover the rest of your market. The Expo Insider’s Client mirroring service will analyze your current customers’ demographics and build similar new prospects.
